Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Assignment 2

In our second assignment we had three different pieces to complete that all involved balancing positive and negative space. The first piece we were to use ten squares to create a unique composition in which it is difficult to distinguish if we used black boxes on a white surface or white boxes on a black surface.

Aligning the edges of the blocks helps!

The second piece we had to choose a different composition and add line and shape making it look more complex.

The final piece was dedicated to composing words as a shape rather than as a language. We were allowed to use color so this would be my favorite, however, I had the most trouble with this piece.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

First assignment for 2D design: LINE MOVEMENT

For this assignment I started from the very bottom. I didn't know anything about Adobe Illustrator except for its name. My first design took me an hour and a half because I didn't have a clue of what I was doing but then my instructor, Dennis, helped me and it clicked. The goal of this object was to use lines and implied lines to create a sense of fluid movement.

Here is my first go that took about 3 hours.

This design did not work out although the movement was there, staggered back and forth, it was too basic. The thick lines were boxes and didn't create enough fluid movement. So I got some assistants and....

This creates a movement expanding outwards like a drop in a puddle.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Blog's Purpose


My name is Siena McKim and this is my blog for all the art I will be creating in my 2D studio class at the University of Michigan's Stamps School of Art and Design. I've been doing art all my life but started my serious fine arts education in high school. If you would like to know more about my work and about myself visit my website at www.sienamckim.com!