Monday, November 23, 2015

Color and Blocks

The assignment: Composing clippings of magazines together over an existing photograph to create a new design. Here we had a lot of freedom to play with the inner designer inside. This was not to be a mosaic but rather a way of physically transforming a photograph to experiment with shapes and colors. Here I choose to only use triangles except for the bar that is over the woman's eyes. This piece is to represent that humans (skin tones) are around here but she can only see gold, therefore is gold rather than a human. It is to reflect the materialistic world we are living in today where we glamorize everything and forget to care as though there are not other humans who suffer. 

Friday, November 6, 2015


Who doesn't love photoshop? There are so many great ways to edit photos with color, contrast, form, and filters. This week we had to edit seven photos requiring different properties, with a theme. My theme was interaction with nature!

The first photo I had to play with high contrast. I did this by posterizing the image and applying a range of a color to the shapes made. The dark browns of the alpaca in the background contrast with the light colors of the foreground. When I went up to Holland, Michigan I ran into an alpaca farm with my friend. they were very gentle and liked to hum.

Next, effects of monochromatic. I went to duotone and chose white and a bluish green to help makes this squirrel even cuter. 

Next, effects of analogous colors. This was another shot taken at the alpaca farm. I appreciate the brightness of this yellow in contrast with the darker orange.

Next, Complimentary colors. In front of where I work, Natural History Museum, there is a butterfly garden that attracts all kinds of different bugs, including bumble bees. Here purple and yellow are used by the duotone mode.

Next, triad color system. This means I had to pick three colors that went well nicely with each other. It is a bit abstract but believe or not, this is a tree stump covered in moss. It is hard to see but hints of mint green are sprinkled to compliment the deep red and peach colors. 

Next, playing with color channels and filters. Here is a milkweed plant releasing it's seeds with cotton like fibers that will be carried away by the wind. I can't exactly remember how I did this but I played with the channels and desaturation.

And at last, playing with the crazy brush tools on Photoshop and filters. After using the maple leaf brush tool, I used a liquify filter for the warm colors and left the background raw.